Friday, March 12, 2010

Lebo Begone

Everyone praised Lebo as a coach and as an honest person. But he is no more at Auburn.

Here are the primary faults with Lebo:
  • His teams never shot free throws worth a lick, period.
  • His teams shot too many three pointers. We were always among the worst in three point shooting in the league, to boot.
  • His teams were always too short. This was the first year that a center got any significant playing time. In Lebo's first five years, there was basically no center.
You cannot win basketball games with these three conditions. Each one was present each of the six seasons under Lebo.

Why the Lebo staff refused to play or to sign a center will forever be a conundrum that I will never understand.

Right now, I do not care who Jacobs hires, but here is hoping for a coach that teaches his players not to shoot a three pointer every possession and that believes in signing players taller than 6'4'' and more than 185 lbs.


  1. Mike Anderson would be a good choice.

  2. Read Scarbinsky's column on the possible coaches:

  3. I share your concern about the lack of big men. This has been the case for so long.
    I see in Phillip Marshall's column where Jacobs is saying the process could take several weeks given that the NCAA tournament. This would indicate that there could be a candidate who is coaching in that event.
    This might tell us that Chuck Person is not tops on the list since he has nothing to do with the NCAA. It's interesting that Person has never finished his degree. This should not disqualify him.
