Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On Coach Dye

Phillip Marshall wrote recently that Coach Dye is in danger of tarnishing his legacy with his continued controversial comments.  I agree.  Here is what he said in the aftermath of the Malzahn hiring:  "You know what? If I had been on the selection committee, I probably would have chosen Kirby."

That should have been kept to himself.  Coach Dye needs to shut up.  If I were Malzahn, I would tell Coach Dye to keep his trap closed.  He only embarasses himself, if not the university too.


  1. I agree completely as much I have always liked Coach Dye. His son, Pat Dye, Jr., is Kirby Smart's agent. It makes it worst that Dye had a conflict of interest here. I had never heard of Crawford, but I like to think that Bo Jackson and Pat Sullivan made up their own minds regarding their decision. Yes, Pat Dye needs to shut up.

  2. I did not know that about his son. Wow.
