Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dominant SEC?

I read Phillip Marshall's column with interest. I hope he is right that the SEC will remain dominant in the college football world given the implosion of the Big 12 and the resulting windfall for the PAC 10. The SEC may or may not add Texas A & M and another school. The SEC may or may not end up raiding the ACC. Phillip is right in that no conference can touch the SEC as far as rivalries are concerned. But the PAC 10 may now dominate in terms of money and exposure. The PAC 10 could get two automatic BCS teams. What would the SEC do then? It would have to expand to get the same two automatic BCS invites. How are Texas and Oklahoma fans going to feel about having to travel to Washington, Oregon, not to mention Arizona and Californa from now on to see their team on the road? To the extent that expansion interrupts traditional rivalries and inconveniences fans, I don't like it. Texas-Arkansas used to be big a huge rivalry. Now it is no more.

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